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Classification of one way valves, features and advantages
Wednesday - 17/08/2016 08:48
In previous articles, we have to find out what is one-way valve. Applications and their operating principles of it. But do you know how many type of one-way valve? Feature works of each type? If you dont, let's refer to the following article!
Currently, the market uses one-way valves have three types:
1. Turnstile forms:
The valve features a one-way turnstile form the axis of the base that is always coincides with the axis supporting pipeline-gas liquids. When no fluid-air to the valve, the supporting substrate is sealed by the door swing. When the liquid-gas line to the valve, axial rotation turnstile create openings to allow liquid-gas passes through the valve. When the line breaks through turnstile return valve closed position by its own weight. In horizontal valves, swivel axis of the door is designed higher than the pipe axis, to ensure return trapdoor closed position when there is no line. At the time of the last line break valves, swivel door from the open position back to the closed position, with a large size valve, can create hydraulic shock between the turnstile and the supporting substrate. To fix the problem that people classified 2 cases:
- No need to fix it: As the hatch diameter less than 400mm, while the impact is not seriously affect the ability to work the valves and systems.
- Need to fix it: with one-way valves in the specialized equipment needed outsourcing collision of soft and smooth enough trapdoor. Attach the damping devices, door handles also to rotate. Advantages gate valves compared with one-way valves in other countries can ensure the ability to work with large diameter pipes, crude liquid (impurities, unfiltered carefully).
2, Sliding form:
Compared to other forms of one-way valves, one-way valve with a sliding structure is much simpler. Thanks to the simple structure of a sliding one-way valve ensures reliability when working, but also so that the one-way valve sliding easily clogged if the liquid should not be filtered.
On a one-way valve structure ensures sliding pipeline axis perpendicular to the axis of the supporting substrate. Often located on the disk sliding elements supported by its own weight, but so always make sure the valve is installed horizontally. To ensure a one-way valve can be mounted on a sliding tube section is standing, people use springs as supporting elements clamped. Another option may be used as structural changes valve: slide bearings one-way valve. This valve is only used in small pipes.
3, Flanges form:
Backflow valve flange shape gives high efficiency with technical advantages reduce the length and cost of the valve mounting assembly.
Backflow valve flange types 2 types: Disc springs flange, double doors.
The fundamental difference of one-way valve flange shape with another one-way valve is used to connect the valve flanges to the pipeline. Whereby the volume down 5 times valve, and relief valve assembly length of 6-8 times that of the other one-way valve.
Working elements of the valve under the effect of the liquid-gas flow moving along the direction of flow and create openings to allow fluid flow through the valve. Valve flange types can be installed in both horizontal and vertical.
- Records flange springs: The principle of operation is similar to the principle of active operation of sliding Ball Valve 1 pm. Use flange disc springs aims saving valve assembly length, and volume valve. Flanged disk size 15-200mm springs.
- In double doors (one-way valve butterfly): Size 50-700mm. Use one-way valves to prevent the form of double doors hydraulic collision.
Từ khóa:
how many
form of
one-way valves
what is
the design
and mode
operation of
each type
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Mr. Thế: phuthanhvalve
Mr. Phong: nguyenphong2188
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