Phu Thanh’s Warehouse System

Saturday - 10/03/2018 13:49
Phu Thanh Technology ., JSC is one of the Vietnamese leading importer and distributor of Valves and other.
  • Warehouse in Ngoc Hoi Industrial  Zone
Size: 500m2
Address: Lot GD5-6 Ngoc Hoi Industrial Zone, Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi ctiy
Commodities: Steel pipes, fittings…

  • Warehouse in Hanam Province
Size: 2000m2
Address: Kim Binh Industrial Zone, Phu Ly city, Hanam province
Commodities: Steel pipes, fittings
  • Warehouse in Phan Trong Tue Street
Size: 500m2
Address: 115A, Phan Trong Tue Street, Tam Hiep Dist., Hanoi city
Commodities: Valves, Flanges, Meter, other parts….

Warehouse storage of Phu Thanh were designed and arranged based on fire and explosion prevention standards in order to reduce damage risks against incidents. Products information is always updated for customers. Our warehouse contributes to fast delivery for customers ‘orders as well as remained products quality of Phu Thanh.

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 0989.398.436 Thanh Phát  0913.516.336 Thanh Phát  0376.119.448 Thanh Phát  0243.668.6336 Thanh Phát
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