Imported shipments in early 2018

Saturday - 10/03/2018 13:54
Along with the whole country’s spirit of production and business, Phu Thanh imported shipments from the leading manufacturers from Korea, Taiwan, China…with goods list such as:
  • Steam Valve
  • Water Valve
  • Bronze Valve
  • Valve and Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Stainless Steel Valve and parts
  • Flanges
  • Pipe Fittings
  • Steel Pipe

These shipments now reach Phu Thanh’s warehouses, serving placed orders of customers and partners.

At the same time, workers unload goods and arrange in warehouses for 1st Quarter 2018. Workers are responsible for labeling all items. Needed information in each product is products code, color, size…

Labeling will help to categorize, search products easily and keep track of inventory. Checking inventory should be made periodically to confirm the actual quantity against books or warehouse management software. This is also a chance to check and clarify the goods, damaged materials and deteriorated quality.

Phu Thanh’ warehouses are arranged neatly, scientifically in order to check goods quickly and accurately.

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