Phu Thanh Technology Joint Stock Company

Activity policy of Phu Thanh JSC

Activity policy of Phu Thanh JSC
1. Privacy policy and use of your personal information

1.1 The purpose and scope of data collection
    The data collection on our website is mainly including: the name, telephone number and address of customers. We need these information to contact and providing our goods and service to the customers.
    In the process payment transactions with the company, we just kept detailed information about orders of customers, the information of  bank account number will not be kept.
    Members will be responsible for security and storage activities by using the service of your personal information. In addition, members are responsible for timely notification to the company of illegally using behavior, abuse, breach of security, storage of third party information for us to have appropriate remedies.

1.2 The purpose of use information
We will use your information only for the following purpose:
- Processing your orders and services requested;
- Send the notification of  our company to clients;
- Prevent the destructive activities of the user account membership or activities counterfeit member;
- Communicate and resolve with members in special circumstances.
- In case of legal requirements: The company will be responsible to provide personal information when there is ask from the procuracy, courts, public security organs investigations involving violations of certain laws of customers. Also, no one has the right to infringe on the personal information of members.

1.3 Storing time 
    Personal data of customers will be stored until a cancellation request. In other cases, the personal information will be kept confidential .

1.4 The address of Phu Thanh company
    Technology Joint Stock Company Phu Thanh
    Headquarters: No. 12B, Lane 2,  8 Quang Trung street, Ha Dong district, Hanoi
    Business location: 115A Phan Trong Tue, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi.
    Tel: +84 43 668 6336

1.5 Means and tools for users to access and edit your personal data.
    Members have the right to check, update, adjust or cancel your personal information by requiring  Phu Thanh company to accomplish it.
    A member may submit a complaint about the seller to the Managing Board of website or contact directly with the company. Upon receiving this feedback, the company will confirm the information and the we will take measures for timely.

1.6 Privacy Statement
    - The  individual information will be protected confidentially. The collection and use of information of each member is only done when there is agreement of customer, except in  the law has different provisions.
    - Do Not use, do not transfer, provide or disclose to any third party about personal information of members in the absence of permission from the members’ agreement.
    - Customers should provide sufficient information such as: full name, contact address, phone, account number ...., and must be responsible on the legality of the above information. The company is not responsible and does not resolve all complaints related to the rights of members if  all personal information provided by the participant is not exactly.

2. Warranty policy
    Warranty time: From Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm 
    We will guarantee 6 months to 12 months from the bill of sale date for the quality of products. Please bring warranty card, bill of sale when you go to our company for warranty. And we will not be responsilbe in the case of wrong usuage.

3. Policy of exchange and return product 
    For customers in Ha Noi city, you can go to our stock at 115 Tue, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi to return or change products. Service time: from 8:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and holidays.
    You can make free change or return within 3 (three) days from the day of receiving products. The products must be intact, with no signs of used and intact stamps, labels (unless the product is defective or damaged in delivery). Also, to  change or return, customers must also keep purchase invoices of Phu Thanh company.
    Changing or returning processes are made when the package was completed at our company's warehouse. We will implement the next steps to check the quality of products and conduct return / change or refund as requested by customers.
    We will refund to the customer in the form of customer payment.
    If customers pay via bank transfer, we will refund the money via your account .
    If the customer pays at our company, please go to our company to get a refund (Sales staff will contact to you to book an appointment)

3.1. Exchange according to demand’s customer

    All items purchased from Phu Thanh company can repay within 3 (three) days from the receiving day (unless specified otherwise). We only accept returns untouched original condition and unused products.
Intact packing and packaging are not dented tear.
3.2 Exchange because of  wrong or damaged product:
    Phu Thanh encourage our customers to check the status of outside (packaging) of the product prior to certifying the delivery unit or the payment to ensure that goods are delivered the right type, quantity, color and outside conditions do not affect your products (breakage / scratching). If this occurs, please reject the goods and / or report to the customer support (customer service) so we can plan for timely treatment. (Please note these further checks as trial products can be accepted only after the order is paid in full).
    In case the customer has paid , received goods and then detect the goods were broken, wrong or missing goods, please contact the customer support department of our company to get support ...
    After 72 hours from the date you receive the goods, Phu Thanh Company may refuse to support the complaint in accordance with the above content.
3.3 Exchange because of defective techniques
    When you have a problem with the products of our company, please do the following steps:
        Step 1: Test yourself on how to use the products and operations are guided in the "Instruction Manual" comes with each product (if any).
        Step 2: You contact to the customer service department to notify the status of the product. Here, the customer care staff will collect information and connect with the warranty department to resolve issues related to product failures for our customers.
        Step 3: Within 3 days of receipt of goods, if your products are certified that they have technical error, you will be settled to exchange or refund according to regulations of our company.
    According to our experience, more than half of the exchange or refund products for reasons of technical errors after checking, all of the product are in perfect conditions of use. So to save time and convenient for you, please read carefully the user manual or contact directly with the customer care department to confirm that the product has been assembled, connected and correct operation before shipping to  Phu Thanh company.

4. Payment Method
4.1 Cash on delivery: 
    This is the easiest way to pay. After receiving your order, we will confirm with you immediately and carry out your orders and delivery in the specified time. We will inform you shipping charges.

4.2 Pay directly at our shop
    After  you order with us, we will confirm and hold the product to you. Within 24h please come directly to our company to make the payment for the product, if overdue, Phu Thanh will not be liable if products are out of stock.

5. Delivery Policy
    Phu Thanh always aim to provide the best shipping service with competitive prices for all orders that you place with us. We support delivery nationwide with delivery policy as follows:

5.1 Delivery charges at home:
    Phu Thanh applicable fees as the same as delivery charge that we have been signed with the shipper.
    For customers in Ha noi, we will apply free delivery for order with total is over 500,000 VNĐ.

5.2 Delivery time:
    We will deliver goods to customers in time as our agreement . Shipping time normally take at least 3-5 business days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Holidays).
    Your order will be delivery a maximum of 2 times (in case of unsuccessful delivery at first, staff will be contacted to schedule a 2 times delivery with you. We will try to contact the in the next 2 working days (via SMS or direct call), in case we still can not be contacted again or not get any feedback from you, the order will not be valid.
    If after two unsuccessful delivery times, your order will be kept at the company's office of Phu Thanh in the next 2 business days for customers to receive.
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